Congratulations! Whether this new role is with your existing employer or a new one, many of the same dynamics come to bear. A change in leadership is, likely, a significant transition for the impacted employees. Their reaction will depend on the relationship that they had with the previous leader and how they feel about this person’s departure.
The following are a few things that you can do to increase your likelihood of a successful transition:
1) Don’t make sudden changes.
New leaders often feel pressured to make a strong positive impact on the company immediately. This desire is understandable because often during the recruitment process HR leaders and hiring managers stress the importance of the selected candidate being able to ‘hit the ground running’. Another message that is often played to candidates during the recruitment process is the need for them to be ‘a change agent’. Because of these and other messages newly hired leaders many times rush into the mode of changing procedures, processes, and systems right out of the blocks, at their peril.
For one, when you first take over a team as their new leader you don’t know what you don’t know. Notwithstanding what the HR files indicate about the employees — you still need to get to know each person, not only professionally but also personally. Relationships are built and sustained at a personal level. Next, you don’t know how they will relate to you as their leader so you are unable to adjust your style to make the working relationship effective. Next, you haven’t yet earned their trust. Yes, you may have their respect but it takes more effort and time to build trust than to garner respect. And, I argue that one cannot lead well without being trusted.
2) Meet one-on-one with each direct report.
Use these meetings to learn what is important to each employee and how you can support them in achieving their goals. We generally get what we want from people, employees or others, when we help them get what they want.
So what are some talking points for the one-on-ones? Ask them about their career goals, what their frustrations at work are, and what they need from you to be successful. Reveal enough about yourself, your leadership style, and some of the previous experiences that you’ve had. Don’t be afraid to admit some of your vulnerabilities and areas where you will need their help. Yes, they probably read your bio when it was circulated by the executive team but hearing about your work background directly from you can go a long way toward building personal engagement.
Depending on the size and structure of your operation, your direct reports may have direct reports of their own. If that’s the case, ask your direct reports when would be a good time for you to meet their team as a group. Let them choose the time and setting. These meetings with the extended teams of employees will give you opportunities to take the pulse of employees in other departments, branches, or geographic areas who come under your new chain of command.
It’s a best-practice that one-on-ones continue after the first 90 days. Keep them going as they provide a forum for you to stay in touch with each direct report. In these on-going meetings you can provide performance feedback, add new responsibilities, receive feedback, and more. Meetings like these help you to sustain connection to your team.
3) Build team cohesion.
Establish team meetings. These meetings create a forum for your new direct reports to meet with you and each other, together, on a regular basis. This is great for cross-pollination of ideas, it fosters collaboration, and it strengthens team cohesiveness.
Also, lean on the team for their expertise — it’s not a good idea to begin your new role with the attitude of having all the answers. Because, quite simply, you don’t. You have people who are hired to do a job and, as a leader, you are more effective if you let them do it. By doing that you also free up your time to do your job, which is to lead.
So, lean on them and expect them to deliver. Let them lean on you for providing access to resources, support, and encouragement. Many unmotivated people are simply needing leaders who have confidence in them.
4) Be clear about your goals.
One of the scariest things for teams with new leaders is to try to figure out what the boss’ expectations are. Take the mystery out of that as soon as you can.
After you have met with your company’s executive team, your peers, and your direct (and extended) team, step back, reflect, and develop short-term and long-term goals for your operation. Of course you will need to consult with your boss to ensure that you are operating in alignment with the appropriate view. Beyond that, communicate your goals openly to your team at all levels. And, provide them opportunities to ask clarifying questions about the goals.
5) Have at least one big win.
Find a way to deliver on a something that you know is important to the company. The team that brought you on board or promoted you, if you were an internal employee, will be watching to see what impact you have made in your first few months. This may be a new customer account if you are in a line role, or it may be higher morale in your operation, or it may be a more cohesive team, on and on. Whatever it is it must be noticeable.
The Canadian HR Academy Team